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Ramun Berger
Low costs 3D scanning
Focus on taking pictures with camera or kinect
some systems
  • decent models of small things
  • software is free (as in beer), closed source
  • a toy, doesn't really work
  • Iphone app
  • rather slow
  • creating point clouds with Kinect
  • scanning about 5 min, 30 minutes uploading
  • AutoDesk 123d apps family: 123D, 123D Catch, 123D Sculpt, 123D Make
  • you take about 20-50 pictures of a model. 
  • sometimes nice results, sometimes crap
  • between 2 min and 2 hours time to construct it. you get a mail when it is ready
  • his favorite
  • closed sourced , windows only
  • for scanning big objects. from 10 cm to 2 cars
  • webcam with a line-laser and a turntable
  • pointcloud
  • we didn't get the prototype running
  • scan small objects. one button
  • open source
  • it does colourscan because he doesn't use infrared light
Custom solutions: "Be your own souvenir", Barcelona Fab Lab, http://www.blablablab.org/
Open Kinect or OpenFrameworks. (There should be an s at the end)
  • get a model
  • scan it
  • clean it up (point cloud) --> this can take most of the time
  • use it
The walk through of 123D catch from Massimo Aalto fablab
Cleaning up can be down with:
  • MeshLab: Viewing and editing many 3D file formats
  • MeshMixer: Creating 3D Mash-ups
  • bit nonintuitive interface, have  to get used to it.
  • but very funny and a lot of tutorials on youtube
  • NetFabb: Cleaning 3D Models
  • "best one to get clean models for me"
Demo: ReconstructMe
Uses Kinect
difficult software, crashes  a lot
high resultution scanning is possible
you can have multiple scans
in meshlab align the pieces
quite good autostitching
you cannot scan glasses or reflections
Nextengine: is a 3d scanner ($ 3000) and is in use in the fablab Groningen