Welcome to FabFuseFabFuse is an independent conference that it is made by the contributions of the participants: lectures, workshops, screenings, demonstrations et cetera. Post your contribution here and see it added to this line-up instantly!
Welcome and howto
The opening session of FABFUSE#4. After a round of introductions we will set up the tools to document the conference itself. This will be an experiment in itself. At the end of each day we'll evaluate our efforts and discuss improvements for the next day.
Fri 21 Aug 2015
14:00, SpullenLab [Spullenmannen workshop]
14:00, SpullenLab [Spullenmannen workshop]
Diana Wildschut - citizen investigative journalism
A recent development in the p2p world is citizens investigative journalism. After controversial news events, citizens reconstruct history using social media as a source. The quality of their research is high, but can they compete with professional journalism?
Sun 23 Aug 2015
11:00-11:45, SpullenLab [Spullenmannen workshop]

11:00-11:45, SpullenLab [Spullenmannen workshop]
Lipika Bansal & Iris Douma - Social DesignDuring Fabfuse Iris and Lipika will offer a workshop in which we will firstly analyze an existing problem in a particular neighbourhood of Amersfoort. (The topic is yet to be decided). The workshop consists of a collaborative research approach in which the topic will be examined from various perspectives using artistic research methods, such as dialogues, storywriting and visual data collection. The input from the dialogues, stories and visual information will be used to understand the dynamics of the theme. These patterns will form the base for imagining and developing interventions using the ID BOX, a toolkit for Design based learning. The ID-BOX enables you to visualise your ideas by making a tangible representation.
Sun 23 Aug 2015
14:00-15:45, FabLab [FabLab]
http://www.pollinize.org, http://designbasedlearningtools.id.tue.nl/

14:00-15:45, FabLab [FabLab]
http://www.pollinize.org, http://designbasedlearningtools.id.tue.nl/
Harmen Zijp - p2p or how to tell my parents?
Al Gore's documentary 'An inconvenient truth' reverberated around the world and put the topic of climate change firmly on many policy agendas. BBC's 'A Farm for the future' analyses the dependency of our food supplies on oil and makes a case for a lower footprint agriculture. However it is hard to find an equally compelling document explaining p2p or open source to laymen.
In this session we'll collect and analyse what is available and - if necessary - write an open call for documentary makers. What bits are notoriously hard to explain and which mediaproductions can we envision? Please place your suggestions (documentaries, animations, cartoons, books) beforehand on the etherpad below.
Sun 23 Aug 2015
12:00-12:45, SpullenLab [Spullenmannen workshop]

12:00-12:45, SpullenLab [Spullenmannen workshop]
Joanna Pisarczyk - Tools for collaborative action.
Sat 22 Aug 2015
14:30-14:50, SpullenLab [Spullenmannen workshop]

14:30-14:50, SpullenLab [Spullenmannen workshop]
Prabhat Kumar Jha - An alternative look at innovation
'Jugaad' in Hindi-Urdu means an innovative fix used for solutions that bend rules. This meaning is often used to signify creativity to make existing things work or to create new things with meagre resources.
As part of Fabfuse, the concept of ‘Jugaad’ will be introduced by analyzing the difference and similarities in concepts between 'Rapid Prototyping' 'Tinkering', 'Bricolage', and ‘Hacking’. How does it differ from other innovation processes and methodologies? And is it innovation or is it survival?
Sat 22 Aug 2015
10:00-11:30, SpullenLab [Spullenmannen workshop]

10:00-11:30, SpullenLab [Spullenmannen workshop]
Scott Bremer - Citizen science approach for gathering climate knowledge with stakeholders in BangladeshThe TRACKS research project, funded by the Norwegian Research Council, aims to bring science and society together in an interacting platform to co-produce high quality knowledge of climate variability and its impacts in the Sylhet Division, one of the climatically vulnerable regions of Bangladesh. As part of this research, TRACKS will engage local stakeholders as an extended peer community, to initiate their own citizen science initiative on local climate variability. In this talk we will discuss the ways in which TRACKS has engaged this extended peer community of citizen scientists, how we will assemble a portfolio of climate indicators with them, how we anticipate measuring these indicators, and how we will ensure the ‘scientific’ quality of the data collected, to best support local climate adaptation.
Sun 23 Aug 2015
10:00-10:45, SpullenLab [Spullenmannen workshop]

10:00-10:45, SpullenLab [Spullenmannen workshop]
Cooperatieve Universiteit Amersfoort - Proceedings of the Cooperative University of Amersfoort
The scientists of Cooperative University of Amersfoort will give an overview of the projects they are engaged in. Some projects are finished, some in progress and some are only wild plans.
The audience is encouraged to be critical.
Sat 22 Aug 2015
14:00-14:25, SpullenLab [Spullenmannen workshop]

14:00-14:25, SpullenLab [Spullenmannen workshop]
Imkerij De WAR - bee hive sensors
At the apiary of De WAR, the bees are monitored by a set of prototype sensors that measure weight, humidity, temperature and CO2. This tells us a lot about the bees' behaviour, but it is also a lot of fun to watch.
We intend to develop the sensors to a better version that can be sent into the world so more beekeepers can collect data that can be analysed for scientific purposes.
In this brainstorm session we invite anyone with some knowledge of electronics, communication or bees to think with us about how we can improve the setup.
Sat 22 Aug 2015
16:00-16:25, FabLab [FabLab]

16:00-16:25, FabLab [FabLab]
Diderik van Wingerden & Peter Troxler - Open Source Hardware and OSHWA NetherlandsLast year, Fabfuse saw the birth of the firs European chapter of the Open Source HardWare Association (OSHWA) the one in the Netherlands. This session will give an overview over the work of OSHWA and other current developments in Open Source Hardware. And it will highlight some dilemmas and shortcomings in OS Hardware.
Related to the lecture, FabFuse will hold a Meet-up for OSHWA enthusiasts: roadmap for OSHWA-NL
Fri 21 Aug 2015
16:00-18:00, SpullenLab [Spullenmannen workshop]

16:00-18:00, SpullenLab [Spullenmannen workshop]
Andries Lohmeijer - RF Sensing
Beside the brainstrom about beehive sensors I would like to prepare some hands on experiments. A major problem of beehive electronics is that bees will cover all "strange" objects. Maybe microwave doppler is capable of sensing through wax and plastics and so obtain data about the bees activities.
Sat 22 Aug 2015
16:30-17:15, FabLab [FabLab]

16:30-17:15, FabLab [FabLab]
Lupinfood - Rediscover the sweet lupin Lupin is now used in the food industry as an technical ingredient. We believe that there are more possibilities for the Lupin. Because lupin is a legume which grows high protein and fiber rich edible beans.
Lupinfood is combining product design and our passion for food. We are collaborating with our consumers to get them to discover the sweet lupin and to bring our project further.
Sat 22 Aug 2015
12:30-13:00, SpullenLab [Spullenmannen workshop]

12:30-13:00, SpullenLab [Spullenmannen workshop]
Stefan Lehner - Trash as the new rawmaterial for productionWorkshop and Forum about trash as the new rawmaterial for production
Workshop about trash experiences and prototyping:
- We look at trash, we touch and clean it to discover its potential
- We build together a first functional prototype
After : Discussion about technologies, production, distribution, logistic for
local mass production of trash based products
Trash examples : Umbrella sticks, Tetrabrics, Beertanks, PET bottles, others

Fri 21 Aug 2015
14:30-15:00, SpullenLab [Spullenmannen workshop]
15:00-18:00, FabLab [FabLab]

14:30-15:00, SpullenLab [Spullenmannen workshop]
15:00-18:00, FabLab [FabLab]
Ger Hanssen - Open schools Suppose you wanted to start a new school and use open concepts only, what problems would you run into? Isn't it strange that educators need to be convinced that sharing information, as opposed to concealing information, is a good thing. Information is the result of the open sharing of ideas, theories, studies and research. Students should be given the opportunity to understand what it means to be part of a p2p community and gain from it's existence by contributing and using information in such a community.
Physics teacher and Fab Lab manager Ger Hanssen calls our help for making an inventory of available teaching resources, tools for assessment and decision making, software for scheduling and accounting, and more...
Sun 23 Aug 2015
16:00-16:45, SpullenLab [Spullenmannen workshop]

16:00-16:45, SpullenLab [Spullenmannen workshop]
Jeroen van der Sluijs - Citizen Science and quality assessment Jeroen van der Sluijs is an expert in working with imperfect knowledge. We invite him to a discussion about the role that the knowledge that citizens produce can play in decision making processes and in cooperations with university scientists.
Sat 22 Aug 2015
15:00-15:45, SpullenLab [Spullenmannen workshop]

15:00-15:45, SpullenLab [Spullenmannen workshop]
Shami Durrani - Plastic recycling machine
Shami made a plastic recycling installation for his graduation at the Utrecht Arts Academy. He will tell about the project, and be tinkering on it throughout FabFuse. You are all invited to join!

Sat 22 Aug 2015
11:45-12:15, SpullenLab [Spullenmannen workshop]
13:00-15:45, FabLab [FabLab]
Sun 23 Aug 2015
10:00-13:00, FabLab [FabLab]

11:45-12:15, SpullenLab [Spullenmannen workshop]
13:00-15:45, FabLab [FabLab]
Sun 23 Aug 2015
10:00-13:00, FabLab [FabLab]
Sat 22 Aug 2015
9:00, Garden [Garden next to the FabLab]
Sun 23 Aug 2015
9:00, Garden [Garden next to the FabLab]

9:00, Garden [Garden next to the FabLab]
Sun 23 Aug 2015
9:00, Garden [Garden next to the FabLab]
Fri 21 Aug 2015
13:00, Garden [Garden next to the FabLab]
Sat 22 Aug 2015
13:00, Garden [Garden next to the FabLab]
Sun 23 Aug 2015
13:00, Garden [Garden next to the FabLab]

13:00, Garden [Garden next to the FabLab]
Sat 22 Aug 2015
13:00, Garden [Garden next to the FabLab]
Sun 23 Aug 2015
13:00, Garden [Garden next to the FabLab]